Fisherking Seafoods | Our Strengths
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Our Strengths

“We built Fisher King on integrity, quality and exceptional service. Our Partnerships and long-term marketing agreements are made only with suppliers exacting the same high standards. Ongoing investment in sustainable fisheries secures our ability to consistently provide you with the best seafood in the world today and for years to come.”
Tor Conklin – CEO, Fisher King Seafoods Ltd.


Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Fisher King Seafoods is only a short distance away from some of the richest fishing grounds on the planet.  FKS has access to the most up to date information on prices, quotas, catch rates and many other factors that affect our customers.  We provide our customers with timely and accurate information, along with the statistical analysis, necessary to make informed buying decisions.  We take pride in being the first to know.


Our growth and our strength can be directly attributed to the long-term relationships we have built and nurtured with our customers and suppliers.  FKS understands to better serve our customers over the long-term, a strong relationship is key. We strive to understand our customers business and day-to-day needs. FKS prides itself in honoring its price commitments to both suppliers and customers.

Quality Assurance

FKS employs quality assurance inspectors who make regular plant visits in order to ensure that our high quality standards are being followed. FKS has employees dedicated to ensuring only the highest quality raw materials are used.  FKS always strives to be proactive about the quality of the items we sell.  We stand behind the quality of our products.


Please use our email form to contact us for current pricing and information. Please note: our minimum order is 1500 lbs.

our location

Fisher King logo in white

267 Cobequid Road, Suite 100
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 4E6 Canada
Phone: (902) 450-1262
Toll Free: (888) 452-3474