Fisherking Seafoods | Partnerships
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The combined sourcing and marketing strengths forged by these partnerships provide FKS with consistent supply year round of the highest quality seafood from around the globe.

Nichirei, Japan’s largest food service distributor and one of Japan’s largest Seafood Companies partnered with Fisher King Seafoods in late 2009 bringing added strength and diversity.  Nichirei’s ‘networking good taste and freshness’ as stated in their “Nichirei Group Brand Statement” compliments Fisher King’s commitment to integrity, quality and exceptional service. Nichirei’s global sourcing network and quality assurance team provides Fisher King Seafoods with access to a wide variety of high quality seafood items including sashimi and sushi quality products.

Polar Seafood is a multinational company with offices in Greenland, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Norway and Italy. With over ten modern factory freezer vessels and interests in land-based facilities in several countries, Polar Seafood Denmark is a major force in global seafood production. Polar is the largest quota holder and producer of Snow Crab Clusters in Greenland and one of the world’s leading producers of Cold Water Prawns. We are proud to market the “Polar Bear” to all of our North American customers.


Please use our email form to contact us for current pricing and information. Please note: our minimum order is 1500 lbs.

our location

Fisher King logo in white

267 Cobequid Road, Suite 100
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
B4C 4E6 Canada
Phone: (902) 450-1262
Toll Free: (888) 452-3474